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Bestselling Author! What an amazing headline and milestone, which would not have been possible without the help of three very special people - Rodney Miles Taber, the editor of my manuscript who in turn introduced me to PRESStinely and the very lovely ladies Kristen Wise and Maira Pedreira, who run a very slick firm supporting publishers and publishing with various aspects of the process, including the Marketing.

Whilst my story was triggered by the phone call I received in the middle of the night on 28th February 2006, it would be fair to say the foundation for its origins were laid well before I was even born.

Elizabeth Gilbert in her book Big Magic, speaks of the mysterious nature of inspiration and how inspiration does not come from us, it comes to us; we just need to figure out how to harness inspiration and unleash the creative spirit within.

After my mother passed, for a long while there were all these emotions and thoughts swirling around in my head. Years later, one evening as I sat down with my laptop, I started typing and the words flowed. Over the coming months, my evenings and weekends were spent adding to the narrative and the story started taking shape. It has taken me a few years to craft, revise and refine the story to what you read today.

With the launch of the book - Meher & Me: A Mother-Daughter Relationship Memoir About The Life We Choose For The Lessons We Will Learn, I have embarked on a new journey and have had the pleasure of appearing as a guest on a wonderful podcast titled Grief, Gratitude and the Grey in between, hosted by Kendra Rinaldi, which you can listen to here. It truly feels like a conversation between two old friends, which I hope you enjoy.

I was also a guest on a local Dubai Radio Station, Dubai Eye - 103.8, hosted by the lovely Helen Farmer on her afternoon show. Have to confess I had to ‘wing’ this as I thought I was due to be speaking to the producer of the show to discuss me appearing on a future segment, only to be told I would be live on air in 3 minutes! A business associate who caught the show while driving, called after to Congratulate me and said I was “…as, if not more, articulate than a CEO describing their company”. Very thankful for the great, insightful conversation.

I also joined the Book Hero team to read an extract from my book. Montserrat and her Book Hero team host events where local creatives are given a platform to express their talents.

I am so very grateful to everyone who has supported me on this journey and to everyone who has bought, read and reviewed the book, which has landed it onto the list of Bestselling Books and bestowed on me the title of Bestselling Author!

Look forward to sharing more from this amazing adventure here


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